CNY Works, the Onondaga County Workforce Development Board, and our local youth wish to extend our utmost appreciation for the generous contribution recieved from the Allyn Family Foundation in support of the 2018 Summer Youth Employment Program!
Each year, CNY Works receives limited Federal grant funding to provide eligible youth meaningful work readiness and financial literacy programs, which culminate in a six-week paid work experience at one of the many participating Work Sites. Because of the great enthusiasm for the program by local public and private organizations, and the proven beneifts for local youth and employers, the Allyn Family Foundation has provided $150,000 of additional funding for this year's program, which will allow approximately 104 more youth to become employed this summer!
In addition, we with to thank these Work Sites for helping mentor and train the students to become valuable members of the local workforce:
American Dining Creations
Arc of Onondaga
Baldwinsville Public Library
Baldwinsville Thrifty Shopper
Bishop Foery
Brady Faith Center
Brady Faith Center, Brady Farms
Bryant and Stratton
Center for Community Alternatives
Central Village Boys and Girls
Children's Consortium
Corcoran High School
CORE @ Elmwood
Danforth Middle School
Dunbar Association
East Fayette Boys and Girls Club
Elmcrest Children's Center
Evergreen Manufacturing of CNY
Hamilton Boys and Girls
Henninger High School
Human Services Leadership Council
Huntington Family Centers
HW Smith
Le Moyne College CSTEP & STEP
Le Moyne College Upward Bound
Lincoln Middle School
Lydia’s Lullaby Daycare Center
MACNY Pre-Apprenticeship Boot Camp
Mary Nelson Center
Meals on Wheels Syracuse
Mission Church- Skiddy Park
Northside CYO
OCC With Love
OCPL Central Library
On Point for College
Onondaga County
Onondaga Earth Corps
Peace Inc. Southside Family Resource Center
Planned Parenthood of Central & Western New York
Reach CNY
Rescue Mission
SCSD Bova Supply Center
Second Olivet Baptist Church
SHA - Pioneer Homes
SHA - Toomey Abbott Tower
Shonnard St. Boys and Girls Club
Simmons Ink and Stitch
St. Vincent DePaul Daycare
Syracuse Housing Authority
Syracuse Parks and Rec
Syracuse University
Talent Agency Teen Art Portfolio, Inc
Terra Science and Education
The Determination Center of CNY, Inc
The Media Unit
Valley Thrifty Shopper
Vincent House/ Catholic Charities
Vision Center
Westvale Thrifty Shopper
White Branch Library
Whole Me, Inc.
Yeshua Restoration Ministries, Inc
YWCA Syracuse and Onondaga County