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Enjoy a few pictures from the 2018 Summer Youth Employment Program!

    STEP Program at LeMoyne College

   Worksite: The Talent Agency

  Worksite:  The Talent Agency

  Worksite:  Legacy Music

  Worksite:  Yeshua Restoration Ministries

  Worksite: Yeshua Restoration Ministries

   Worksite:  Yeshua Restoration Ministries

    Worksite:  MACNY Pre-Apprenticeship Bootcamp, visit to Manth Brownell

Allyn Family Foundation supports the 2018 Summer Youth Employment Program

CNY Works, the Onondaga County Workforce Development Board, and our local youth wish to extend our utmost appreciation for the generous contribution recieved from the Allyn Family Foundation in support of the 2018 Summer Youth Employment Program!

Each year, CNY Works receives limited Federal grant funding to provide eligible youth meaningful work readiness and financial literacy programs, which culminate in a six-week paid work experience at one of the many participating Work Sites.    Because of the great enthusiasm for the program by local public and private organizations, and the proven beneifts for local youth and employers, the Allyn Family Foundation has provided $150,000 of additional funding for this year's program, which will allow approximately 104 more youth to become employed this summer!  

In addition, we with to thank these Work Sites for helping mentor and train the students to become valuable members of the local workforce:  

American Dining Creations

Arc of Onondaga

Baldwinsville Public Library

Baldwinsville Thrifty Shopper

Bishop Foery

Brady Faith Center

Brady Faith Center, Brady Farms

Bryant and Stratton

Center for Community Alternatives

Central Village Boys and Girls

Children's Consortium

Corcoran High School

CORE @ Elmwood

Danforth Middle School

Dunbar Association

East Fayette Boys and Girls Club

Elmcrest Children's Center

Evergreen Manufacturing of CNY

Hamilton Boys and Girls

Henninger High School

Human Services Leadership Council

Huntington Family Centers

HW Smith


Le Moyne College CSTEP & STEP

Le Moyne College Upward Bound


Lincoln Middle School

Lydia’s Lullaby Daycare Center

MACNY Pre-Apprenticeship Boot Camp

Mary Nelson Center

Meals on Wheels Syracuse

Mission Church- Skiddy Park

Northside CYO


OCC With Love


OCPL Central Library


On Point for College

Onondaga County

Onondaga Earth Corps

Peace Inc. Southside Family Resource Center

Planned Parenthood of Central & Western New York

Reach CNY

Rescue Mission

SCSD Bova Supply Center

Second Olivet Baptist Church

SHA - Pioneer Homes

SHA - Toomey Abbott Tower

Shonnard St. Boys and Girls Club

Simmons Ink and Stitch


St. Vincent DePaul Daycare

Syracuse Housing Authority

Syracuse Parks and Rec

Syracuse University

Talent Agency Teen Art Portfolio, Inc

Terra Science and Education

The Determination Center of CNY, Inc

The Media Unit

Valley Thrifty Shopper

Vincent House/ Catholic Charities

Vision Center

Westvale Thrifty Shopper

White Branch Library

Whole Me, Inc.

Yeshua Restoration Ministries, Inc

YWCA Syracuse and Onondaga County

Message from the Together Now Executive Director:

Over the past few weeks, Together Now has been busy finalizing a list of businesses who will be taking on students as interns. In addition, we have also discussed partnering with CNY Works. This partnership will include selecting students ages 16-18 who are enrolled in the Syracuse City School District and who are selected to participate in the 2017 Summer Youth Employment Program administered by CNY Works. After being selected to participate in the CNY Works program, students who qualify will be interviewed by Together Now to participate in our program as well. This is a great opportunity to work closely with one of the most successful workforce development organizations in Central New York.

United Way Community Update

Letter from Vera House

Dear CNY Works,


We greatly appreciate the gift of $160.00 from your "Jeans Day" fundraiser.  Please extend our appreciation to all of the wonderful people at Cny Works.

For almost 40 years, Vera House has been helping individuals and families who reach out to us to find a place of safety, compassion, assistance and the encouragement they need to build new lives.

Thank you for believing in what we do and for taking action to improve the quality of lives of those who may be facing challenges while in crisis or transition.

We are very grateful for your support.



Randi K. Bregman

Executive Director


Success Story

Hi, my name is C. W.  

I started working with you guys back in 2011 through the CNY Work's Youth program.  I completed the 6 week Dale Carnegie course/classes with you guys in 2011 or 2012, which was very fun and exciting.  My first job placement was at Meals on Wheels on Burt street in Syracuse, New York.  My second job placement was in February of 2012, where I was placed at Syracuse University bookstore.  My job experience there was so wonderful, I got to meet and work with some of the most amazing people I ever met, for an example: Jim Boeheim.  I loved it there and wanted to stay but I knew my final days were approaching.  My job placement was set to expire in August, which was the new semester for incoming students and returning students.  A job was posted on Syracuse Job opps for a temporary position as a cashier.  I applied for the job, had an interview, the interview turned out great and in August of 2012 I started working for Syracuse University as a temporary employee.   I stayed there for the past four and a half years.  I am proud to announce that after two and a half years of trying to get a permanent full-time position at Syracuse University where I can receive a free education and benefits, my time has come.  I will be leaving my second family at the bookstore and starting with my new found family at the Schine dining hall on Thursday, September 1st.   I want to take this time to thank the staff that helped me in my time of need. THANK YOU!  If it had not been for CNY Work's Youth program, who knows where I would be today.  This program and the staff changed my life in so many great ways and I am forever greatful.  I would like to give a special thank you to Amy stage, Sharon Cole and Jeff from Dale Carnegie class.  Thank you for believing in me and giving me the extra push I needed to succeed.


-C. W. 

YWCA Syracuse & Onondaga County

The 2016 YWCA Fashion Show, "Transforming Into a Beautiful Me," was a huge success last night! The women rocked the runway, modeling outfits from business attire to night attire, and everyone had a blast while enjoying the food and music.

Thank you to all who came out to support, and to Natur-TymeEmpower Federal Credit UnionCNY WorksUnited Way of Central New York and The Junior League of Syracuse, Inc. for their generous donations!

Syracuse Housing Authority

Syracuse Housing Authority would like to thank you for your support of the Work to independence Program, funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development's JOBS Plus Initiative.

Work to Independent members benefit greatly from accessing a wide variety of services to fit their specific needs and barriers.  CNY Works has supported the program by providing both direct and indirect  support and services.  Recently CNY Works staff presented two valuable workshops for members. "Are You Ready for the Workforce" training and a Resume Writing Workshop facilitated by CNY Works staff provided our members with valuable and pertinent information to assist in their job seeking activities.

In addition, Ms. Andrea Hahn has been a tremendous asset in helping the program access information on youth services, participating in our monthly Advisory Committee meetings, sharing data, and attending HUD workshops and conferences.

We greatly appreciate the partnership and hope to continue collaborating for this program and maintain our long standing summer youth employment program partnership, and support for our HUD ROSS grants.

SHA applauds CNY Works commitment to improving the lives of Syracuse residents.


William J. Simmons

Executive Director

McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center

CNY Works

Dear staff,

Thank you so much for participating in the McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center's GO BLUE 4 KIDS awareness campaign. Your purchases of pinwheel items and promotion of the campaign made a great difference in the lives of the children and families we serve.  This years campaign was a wonderful success, helped raise awareness, and provided a strong visual statement to the Central New York Community.

McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center is a non-profit organization that provides a safe, child and family friendly environment for victims of child abuse and their non-offending family members.  Our goal is to provide support and work to reduce the trauma that abused children face during the investigation, prosecution and treatment of their abuse.

On behalf of the McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center and the children and families that we serve, please accept our heartfelt thanks and appreciation.

Warm regards,

Linda Cleary

Executive Director

2016 Zoo Guides and Zoo Guide Fellows

Congratulations to the 2016 class of Zoo Guides and ZooGuide Fellows!

ZooGuides are trained youth educators who serve on zoo grounds, interacting with visitors as biofact station interpreters. At the conclusion of each summer season, ZooGuides have the opportunity to apply to continue in the ZooGuide Fellowship program, which involves a change in focus from educational interpreter to scientific researcher.

Fellows receive additional training, and work closely with animal care staff to design and conduct a research project with scientific merit. Fellows have access to unique resources such as animal exhibits, zoo staff, on-site library, computers, software and measurement and model building tools. Fellows complete their research and prepare a formal presentation to share results of their projects with community partners, school personnel, program funders and their own families. Fellows then continue as Senior ZooGuides, serving as peer mentors and role models for new ZooGuides.

The ZooGuides program develops youths’ skills as public speakers, critical thinkers and members of a team, and equips them with a strong science background. These skills can be directly applied to STEM professions, as well as other careers.

The program is administered by Friends of the Zoo in partnership with CNY WorksThe Syracuse City School District and Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection.