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Business Services

CNY Works helps companies recruit, hire, train and retain qualified workers. Our dedicated Business Services Team offers a wide range of services to area employers at no charge.

To find out how you can partner with CNY Works to find qualified employers and strengthen your existing workforce, please contact that Business Services Department at



Job Posting Options

Let our database of qualified applicants work for you!

It's fast, uncomplicated and of no charge to you. We can search thousands of records in seconds to refer candidates to you. Our labor matching system links your job requirements to the special skills and abilities of registered job seekers.

All job matching and referral services for your Onondaga County job order will then be done by the staff of CNY Works in Syracuse.

Post job opportunities in Onondaga County at no cost by:

  1. Completing the fillable  Job Posting Form.pdf and submit via email, fax or mail:
    Email to
    Fax to: (315) 477-6995
    Mail to: CNY Works, Inc.
  2. Apply directly online to New York's Job Exchange at

Customized Job Fairs/Recruiting

CNY Works can help you schedule specialized recruitments that target hard-to-fill positions with local and national scope.

After speaking with one of our business services representatives you will choose the options that fit your needs.

  • List your job order with the regional job bank.
  • List the recruitment on the New York State Department of Labor web page.
  • Match job seekers with job openings.
  • Coordinate communication between you, our partnering agencies and our talent pool.
  • Pre-screen applicants according to your specifications.
  • Set up interviews for qualified applicants.
  • Provide interview space at CNY Works.
  • Assist during your recruitment at off-site locations.
  • Provide targeted recruitment opportunities.
  • Connect you with untapped pools of job seekers.

Financial assistance may be available to employers to support workforce training!

Employed Worker Customized Training

CNY Works is committed to supporting business training activities that help businesses maintain their competitive edge in order to develop and retain our local workforce.

CNY Works can help to provide training related to the introduction of new technologies, process improvement, team building, supervisory, and cross-functional capabilities.

Funds requested can be up to 50% of the cost of classroom instruction (i.e., tuition or course fees), customized consultant training and/or in-house staff training costs.


On-the-Job training

The on-the-job training program (OJT) helps defray the costs associated with hiring and training new employees. OJT can reimburse a percentage of the hourly wage paid during a defined training period of up to six months.

Job seekers applying for a position that requires on-the-job training should notify the employer that they may be eligible for a wage reimbursement or have CNY Works contact the employer on your behalf.

For unemployment benefit information, please contact the New York State Department of Labor at

Incentive Programs

Tax Credits Can Save You Money!

Get tax credits and/or wage subsidies for hiring targeted job seekers or expanding in development zones. There are Federal incentives to employers to hire job seekers from CERTAIN target groups. For more information, see

For state credits, see

Learn more about available tax credits and incentive programs for businesses in New York State:

If your business is located in Onondaga County please call Roy Jewell, NYSDOL Associate Business Services Representative at 479-3362 or James Bepko, NYSDOL Business Services Representative at 479-3263.

Employee Aptitude Testing

CNY Works can help you ensure that the workers you interview and hire have been pre-evaluated for the competencies you need, including basic math and literacy skills, office/computer proficiencies, and soft skills.

Affirmative Action/EEO Guidance

The NYS Division of Equal Opportunity Development can help you to develop and maintain an affirmative action program, promote equal opportunity and ensure nondiscriminatory policies and practices in your everyday business operations. See

Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion

AskEARN is a resource for businesses seeking information on recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing people with disabilities within the workforce. More information can be found at