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Home » OrientationAttend Orientation
Registration at CNY Works consists of attending an orientation during which you will complete a customer registration packet and be provided an overview of our services. Feel free to fill out the Customer Registration Form and bring it with you along with a current resume and a form of identification.
Orientations for walk-in customers who are currently NOT receiving unemployment benefits will be held every weekday except Fridays and the third Thursday of the month. Times vary for each day to accomodate a variety of schedules and coordinate with bus availability. Check out the schedule and let CNY Works guide you toward finding a great career!
If you would like to speak to someone regarding an orientation, call (315) 473-8250. If you prefer to request information through email, please send an email to with the following information:
- Subject Line: "Orientation Appointment"
- Your Name
- Your Phone Number
- The last four (4) digits of your Social Security Number